AI in Education Presentation


AI in Education Presentation


Designed to assist administrators, tech facilitators, and teachers to unleash the potential of AI in Education

10-slide editable Google Slides presentation intended for a 60-minute session

Hyperlinked with additional learning resources

Includes an engagement challenge to encourage educators to incorporate AI in their planning and teaching post-presentation


Introducing an “AI in Education” Presentation, a comprehensive resource designed to empower administrators, tech facilitators, and teachers in seamlessly integrating Artificial Intelligence into classroom instruction. With a 10-slide editable presentation tailored for a 60-minute session, this toolkit offers a dynamic learning experience. Hyperlinked with additional resources, participants can delve deeper into AI concepts and applications. The session encourages interactivity, providing time for hands-on exploration. To ensure lasting impact, an engagement challenge has been included to motivate educators to incorporate AI in their planning and teaching post-presentation. This resource is meant to foster a culture of innovation, equipping educators with the knowledge and tools needed to embrace the future of teaching and learning.


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MauraintheMiddleAI in Education Presentation